AlzU Blog

Tips for Eating a Healthy Alzheimer's Prevention Diet When Dining Out

For people with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and those attempting to adhere to a health AD diet, eating out can be quite a challenge.  Even if you eat at restaurants that offer a wide variety of foods that seem healthy, you just never know what type of oil or other ingredients are used for cooking. 

Here are some guidelines for keeping the meal as healthy as possible when dining out:

-Avoid going out to a restaurant when you are ravenous; consider eating an apple or a healthy snack
beforehand to keep your appetite under control.

-Choose a restaurant that offers low fat options and a wide variety of fresh foods

-Go online to check out the menu and select your food in advance if possible.

-Always order cream sauces, gravy and dressing on the side to keep high fat additions to a minimum.

-Be sure to order a meal with plenty of vegetables.

-Fill up on salad before the meal

-Forgo the bread (don’t allow it on the table, once you get a whiff of fresh baked bread it’s over)!

-Order baked, steamed or broiled foods instead of fried.

-Ask about healthy substitutes.

-Before adding calorie dense toppings, use salt and pepper to season and taste the food.

-Inquire about ordering 1/2 portions.

-Drink plenty of water during the meal to help fill you up.

-Eat slow and chew your food thoroughly to enhance digestion & provide a feeling of fullness.

-Implement measures to eat slowly, particularly if you go out to eat when you are ravenous.

-Consider ordering a dish that takes a while to eat (such as crab legs or shrimp tails).

-Avoid buffets if possible (this should be the last resort for a restaurant choice when eating out).

-If you do eat at a buffet, limit the number of trips you allow yourself to take.

-Keep in mind that alcohol increases the appetite, lowers inhibitions, and packs on the calories.

-If you feel pressured to drink alcohol consider a sparkling water with a twist of lemon.

-Order fresh fruit in place of dessert.

-Leave half of the food to take home for tomorrow’s meal (most restaurants offer huge food portions).

We all know that in general, eating at home is healthier than going out to eat, but who has time for home cooked meals, right?  CLICK HERE to read time saving tips for caregivers who want to make more home cooked meals.

CLICK HERE to learn more about AD, check out our free courses on AD caregiving and AD prevention & treatment.

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