AlzU Blog

Valentine’s Day for Alzheimer’s Caregivers

As Valentine’s Day approaches, Alzheimer’s caregivers may be wondering how to best honor their loved one with Alzheimer’s disease (AD).  For those adhering to a healthy Alzheimer’s prevention diet, the gift of candy and sweets may not be the best option.  Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to involve the candy giving tradition, there are many healthier options you can select from, here are a few suggestions:

Flowers: a bright array of fragrant flowers never gets old for most people.  It’s a great way to brighten up an otherwise dark and dreary winter day and cheer up your loved one this Valentine’s Day.
The gift of chocolate without the guilt: consider a box of healthy unsweetened cocoa powder drink mix called cocoa via (CLICK HERE) to order.
A memorable music CD: music has been shown to help with Alzheimer’s, a CD with music your loved one enjoyed back in the day, is a perfect gift.  Learn more about music and Alzheimer’s disease at 
A photo album full of family memories: even if your loved one has trouble remembering recent family gatherings, it’s not uncommon for those with AD to be able to recall events of the past.  A photo album filled with treasured memories is a great way to open an enjoyable conversation and celebrate a special holiday with your loved one.
Make a special meal: putting together a healthy Alzheimer’s prevention meal can create a special bonding evening. Learn more about healthy foods on the Alzheimer’s diet by CLICKING HERE to access the free 25 lesson course at
Other gifts: you can find a wide selection of gifts from books about Alzheimer’s prevention to music therapy and relaxation CD’s designed specifically for those with AD by CLICKING HERE.

Keep in mind that although the holidays may be different when living with a loved one with AD, different doesn’t have to translate as worse.  Many caregivers say that having adjusted their perspective, caregiving can easily be seen as a gift instead of an obligation.

Don;t forget a special gift for caregivers this Valentine’s Day.  Here are some great ideas:

Offer the gift of time: a day off coupon to allow caregivers some much needed and deserved time for self-care.
Give a spa day: a certificate for a massage, facial or other spa service is a great Valentine’s Day gift idea for caregivers who give endlessly all year long. 
Consider a book about caregiving: consider ““Creating Moments of Joy for the Person with Alzheimer’s or Dementia: A Journal for Caregivers”; a book about living in the moment and seeing the big picture, written specifically for AD caregivers.

So, what is the real meaning of Valentine’s Day?  It doesn’t have anything to do with buying expensive gifts or sharing a romantic candlelight dinner this year because Valentine’s Day is really about love. Whether you are the spouse or a child of a loved one with AD, what better way to show another how much you really love them than by providing care in their time of need?

Learn more about Alzheimer’s disease by CLICKING HERE to participate in our FREE online course for Alzheimer’s caregivers and those in the early stages of AD.

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