AlzU Blog

Summer Ideas on How Seniors can Beat the Heat

As the summer days get hotter and hotter, finding activities for your loved one with Alzheimer’s disease becomes more of a challenge.  Keep in mind that seniors are more prone to heat related illnesses than younger adults, so staying active must include staying cool. 

Here are some great tips for summer activities and indoor fun for caregivers and seniors:

•Consider books on tape or reading favorite books
•Organize family photos or make scrapbooks
•Visit your local library to checkout videos, books or books on tape
•Put together some oldies but goodies-favorite music selections by burning new CD’s or gather songs on an ipod
•Plan outings to indoor locations such as the local museum, movie theaters, bookstores and other indoor activities with air conditioning
•Do some early holiday shopping
•Play games, board games, cards or other favorite indoor activities
•Sign up for an online memory boosting program
•Take an art class (or any other interesting course)
•Learn a new craft-such as knitting
•Get involved in your local community center-they often have classes for seniors
•Take a cooking course and learn to make healthy food
•Check out a local senior drop in center to increase socialization
•Join a local gym and start a simple workout routine-with permission for the physician
•Prepare a favorite family recipe together
•Take a computer class
•Set up SKYPE and visit online with long distance friends or relatives
•Explore healthy recipes and drinks to stay hydrated-such as fresh fruit flavored water or watermelon
•Stay active by exercising indoors where it is cool
•Take a water exercise class or just swim for fun
•For those with Medicare Advantage plans, check your insurance to see if coverage provides for a gym membership if not, check out your local senior or community center for affordable memberships
•Engage in the popular mall walking activity-many seniors find it a great way to stay cool and get a workout in
•Check out an in-home fitness program-there are some great online programs designed specifically for seniors-be sure to get a physician’s okay before starting any workout program

Keep in mind that going outdoors for very short periods of time on cooler days can be beneficial,  Sunlight generates vitamin D– necessary for normal brain, bone and muscle function.

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