For caregivers of those with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), urinary health is a very important topic. It’s essential to know just what signs to observe for when evaluating urinary health and screening for signs of a possible urinary tract infection.
Seniors and those with AD can be particularly prone to having urinary tract infections for several reasons, including; forgetting to go to the bathroom regularly, weak bladder tone (causing an inability to completely empty the bladder), not drinking enough fluid each day, personal hygiene issues, lower immune system function, urinary incontinence, catheters and more.
A urinary tract infection is a bacterial infection of the bladder, or any other part of the urinary system.
Warning Signs of Urinary Tract Infections in Seniors
Painful or frequent Urination
Confusion, low energy level, diminished appetite
Low grade fever (may or may not be present in the elderly due to depressed immune system)
Cloudy or bloody urine
Strong or foul-smelling urine
Pressure in the lower pelvis
Night sweats or chills
Sometimes elderly folks don’t exhibit any of the common signs of urinary tract infections and may ONLY exhibit some of the following symptoms:
Falling frequently
Delirium-like state
It’s important to note that some symptoms of urinary tract infection in the elderly can be the same as signs of dementia in AD. CLICK HERE to check out our 25 lesson course for Alzheimer’s caregivers to learn more about observing for signs of AD dementia.
If left untreated, urinary tract infections can result in serious or even life threatening health problems such as infection in the kidneys or blood stream, kidney damage or even failure of the kidneys.
Observing and reporting abnormal signs of your loved one’s urination pattern is an important aspect of caregiving. Learn more about how you can improve your caregiving skills for those with AD by joining