AlzU Blog

Great Activities to Help Facilitate Memories for Those with Alzheimer's Disease

Look through old photo albums together. Point out who you see in the picture and talk about any memories associated with the photo.

There are many memory activities you can get involved in with your loved one who has Alzheimer’s to help them with memory problems. 

Looking through old photographs together is a good way to stimulate memories in a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease (AD).  Telling stories of family events, vacations, and other memorable experiences is another great idea.

These special moments are important to all members of the family-particularly to those with AD because recalling memorable past events can really help jog your loved one’s memory.  Usually the memories from long ago are the most vivid and easier to recall than more recent times for those with AD. 

Here are some great activities to try that may help our loved one’s memory:

Look at old photographs together
Put together a scrapbook with old photos
Tell stories about cherished family memories and events
Read old letters and greeting cards together
Watch old home movies as a family together
Listen to music-particularly music that was popular when your loved one was young
Play familiar music on the piano or an instrument together if your loved one knows how to play music
Work on genealogy map together, recording information about your family tree and family heritage
Make a favorite family recipe and have a family meal together.  Be sure to keep the gathering small with close friends and family members. Big groups with lots of noise and distractions are often times stressful for those with AD.

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