AlzU Blog

Safety Measures for those With Alzheimer’s Disease

There are many changes in the brain that occur as a result of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) that can adversely affect safety in the home.  Depending on the stages of AD and the individual’s age, the following symptoms could make safety an urgent issue:

  • Changes in Judgment
  • Memory deficits
  • Confusion
  • Deficits in balance
  • Changes in vision such as depth perception
  • Change in sensitivity to temperatures

Individuals with Alzheimer’s disease could experience changes in memory and judgment that could lead to an inability to use household equipment properly-for example, leaving the stove or iron on, or forgetting to light the pilot light on a gas appliance.  To learn more about symptoms of AD, click here to sign up for Alzheimer’s University’s comprehensive 25 topic course.  Those with deficits in balance and changes in vision could be at higher risk for falls due to misjudging steps or losing his/her balance.

To compensate for many of the changes that those with AD may experience, it’s important to do a thorough home inspection to assess potential dangers.

Tips for implementing safety measures in the home for those with Alzheimer’s Disease:

  • Remove any rugs that may cause a tripping hazard
  • Place matches and any other fire hazards out of reach
  • Remove any objects that could cause injury
  • Lock up medications and other dangerous substances
  • Install safety doors such as swinging or folding doors to block stairs and storage areas
  • Keep an emergency list handy with the phone numbers of local hospital, police, and poison control
  • Keep fire extinguishers and smoke detectors in working order
  • Remove locks inside of rooms such as bathrooms to prevent those with Alzheimer’s accidently getting locked inside
  • Ensure that hallways and all walkways are well lit
  • Implement a pill organizer to ensure medications are taken properly
  • Remove excess clutter and items that could cause a tripping hazard such as coffee tables and magazine racks
  • Monitor the temperature of water-set the hot water heater at a low setting to prevent burning

Falls are one of the most common household accidents incurred by the elderly, in fact the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that nearly 1 out of every 3 adults over 65 falls every year and that falls are one of the leading causes of injury and death in the elderly population.

Here are some tips from the CDC to prevent falls for the elderly:

  • Regular exercise (such as practicing yoga) will help improve balance
  • Discuss fall hazards with the primary physician
  • Ask the pharmacist or physician if medications have side effects such as dizziness or drowsiness
  • Ensure your loved one is up to date on vision exams
  • Reduce tripping hazards
  • Add grab bars in the bathroom next to the toilet and in the shower
  • Install stair railings
  • Improve lighting in the home
  • Lower hip fracture risks by ensuring adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D
  • Make sure your loved one is screened for osteoporosis

In conclusion

Safety is a real concern for the elderly and particularly for those with Alzheimer’s Disease, due to symptoms of the disease that may put your loved one at particularly high risk for accidents and falls in the home.  Conducting a complete safety check of the house and implementing safety measures is of utmost importance during all stages of Alzheimer’s Disease.  Learn more about AD by participating in our 25 topic comprehensive course at

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